This is the famous first post! I'm starting to blog about mostly technology related things (.NET in particular), probably with special focus on my pet project, Quartz.NET.
Javascript primitives in Jint Jint has abstraction for each primitive Javascript type. Having these fundamental types work and interact with the engine in efficient manner is crucial for good performance. In this blog post we are investigating some of them and problems I found while profiling.
The past weekend I read about an interesting pull request which is bringing a new type of dictionary with great interest. The idea of creating a new, simpler and enhanced version , now called DictionarySlim, original spun from the famous k-nucleotide benchmark where .NET had some trouble performing well with the built-in Dictionary . What is this new member in *Slim family?
So when you start to hit the wall trying to get things faster using the current infrastructure, you can always level the playing field by re-thinking the problem and finding a better way to approach the problem. A recent big change was to refactor how the JavaScript AST tree is being interpreted.
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