Getting Started With Quartz.NET – Part 1
This is the first blog post on the series of posts about getting familiar with Quartz.NET . In this blog posts we dig in to the requirements and common things we might want to decide before proceeding. Evaluating whether Quartz.NET is the thing for you First of all, it’s always a good thing to evaluate whether the tool is suitable for one’s needs. It goes without saying that like any other tool, Quartz.NET is no silver bullet (but a good golden hammer I hear). The easiest way to nail it is to quote the project’s home page : Quartz.NET is a full-featured, open source job scheduling system that can be used from smallest apps to large scale enterprise systems Well big words but I believe that Quartz.NET can live up to it. Quartz.NET was ported from the famous Java Quartz and so If you’re familiar with the Java one, you should have no trouble grasping the concepts of Quartz.NET. Quartz.NET is distributed with same license as Java version, Apache 2.0 , which in short gives plenty of